
  • Sehr toll :D Weg / Eukalyptusblätter

    "Through the smiles and tears, through the anger and the laughter that follows,
    I know that I keep changing. This is MY story - and it will be a good one!
    It all began when I found that sphere - of YOU."

  • Sehr toll :D Weg / Eukalyptusblätter

    "Through the smiles and tears, through the anger and the laughter that follows,
    I know that I keep changing. This is MY story - and it will be a good one!
    It all began when I found that sphere - of YOU."

  • Nee, Pandas essen Bambus, wenn ein Koala :D Ich find Koalas niedlich ^^
    probieren / Spargelsalat

    "Through the smiles and tears, through the anger and the laughter that follows,
    I know that I keep changing. This is MY story - and it will be a good one!
    It all began when I found that sphere - of YOU."

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yuny ()

  • Nee, Pandas essen Bambus, wenn ein Koala :D Ich find Koalas niedlich ^^
    probieren / Spargelsalat

    "Through the smiles and tears, through the anger and the laughter that follows,
    I know that I keep changing. This is MY story - and it will be a good one!
    It all began when I found that sphere - of YOU."

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yuny ()

  • Öhm du Johnny -.- Bitte schreib hier ehrliche Antworten hin, ja?

    IIIIIIIIIIIIIIGIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!>_< / Brombeeren :)

  • Öhm du Johnny -.- Bitte schreib hier ehrliche Antworten hin, ja?

    IIIIIIIIIIIIIIGIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!>_< / Brombeeren :)

  • (das war EHRLICH!!!!! Brennesselsalat kann man essen (gibt ja auch Brennesselsuppe) und ich habe verdammten Kohldampf!)

    Hmm lecka essen / Pilzcremesuppe

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Johnny The Strange ()

  • (das war EHRLICH!!!!! Brennesselsalat kann man essen (gibt ja auch Brennesselsuppe) und ich habe verdammten Kohldampf!)

    Hmm lecka essen / Pilzcremesuppe

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Johnny The Strange ()

  • weg / gebratener tofu

    "Through the smiles and tears, through the anger and the laughter that follows,
    I know that I keep changing. This is MY story - and it will be a good one!
    It all began when I found that sphere - of YOU."

  • weg / gebratener tofu

    "Through the smiles and tears, through the anger and the laughter that follows,
    I know that I keep changing. This is MY story - and it will be a good one!
    It all began when I found that sphere - of YOU."