hör geile Wach-Musik^^
Beiträge von ErzaTheLight
mag Naruto nicht soooooo sehr (zumindest nid so wie ich denk ich...)
xD tjaaa, ich hab e Lafontaine, und er hat mich gefragt, ob ich nich Nachhilfe geben will de klene Fünfer xD Ich, ich bin fast so groß wie die xD
heheheImmanoch David Garret, Fluch der Karibik o.O
xD -
hat Recht (beide)
Fullbuster: Nachtigallen sind ein Element der Romantischen Dichtkunst und erinnert mich an die Schule xD
an alle Daumendrücker xD -
smooth criminal, nich Michael Jacksons sondern von David Garret xD
3 Theorieprüfung für Autofahn... o.O
Tag: Mittwoch
Uhrzeit: 20:44
Letzte Aktivität: Theorie gelernt
Nächste Aktivität: ... Musik suchen, die ich jetzt höre
Letzter Anruf von: Mom
Letzter Anruf an: Fahrlehrer
Letzte SMS von: Teammitglied
Letzte SMS an: Teammitglied
Letzte Nahrung: Honigbrötchen
Letztes Getränk: Sprudel
Letztes Lied: smooth criminal (David Garret version)
Kleidung: Jeans u. Top
Wetter: eh... iwie seh ich nur schwarz
Feeling: unter Druck...
Grund: Theorieprüfung morgen o.O
Frage d. Tages: Katalysator?! Einspritzanlage?????? ... Leitlinie! 100 km/h. Nebeeeeeeeeel o.O
Antwort darauf: hilfeeeeeee!
Erkenntnis d. Tages: Ich bin fertig mit der Welt.
Guter Vorsatz für morgen: nicht 80 Euro in den Sand setzen. -
soll einen aus Naruto nehmen xD
Fullbuster: Allerherzlichsten Dank, ich werde sie morgen mitnehmen!
Sie bringt mir sicher Glück :) -
@ Cazuh Lynn: O mein Gott!
Danke. Ich finde wirklich du hast Recht. Das Gedicht gefällt mir auch sehr. xD Ich liebe Gedichte über die Nacht und generell Problemgedichte. Da passt die Vergeltung wirklich dazu. Es ist nur wirklich extrem traurig am Schluss.Joseph von Eichendorff : Nachts
Ich wandre durch die stille Nacht,
Da schleicht der Mond so heimlich sacht
Oft aus der dunklen Wolkenhülle,
Und hin und her im Tal
Erwacht die Nachtigall,
Dann wieder alles grau und stille.
O wunderbarer Nachtgesang:
Von fern im Land der Ströme Gang,
Leis Schauern in den dunklen Bäumen -
Wirrst die Gedanken mir,
Mein irres Singen hier
Ist wie ein Rufen nur aus Träumen -
As he come into the window
it was the sound of a crescendo
he came into her apartment
he left the bloodstains on the carpet
she ran underneath the table
he could see she was unable
so she ran into the bedroom
she was struck down it was her doomAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
Annie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay AnnieAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
Annie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay AnnieAnnie are you okay
will you tell us that you're okay
there's a sign on the window
that he struck you a crescendo Annie
he came into your apartment
he left the bloodstains on the carpet
then you ran into the bedroom
you were struck down it was your doomAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
Annie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay AnnieAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
you've been hit by
you've been hit by
a smooth criminalSo they came into the outway
it was Sunday what a black day
mouth to mouth resuscitation
sounding heartbeats intimidationsAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
Annie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay AnnieAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
Annee are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay AnnieAnnie are you okay
will you tell us that you're okay
there's a sign on the window
that he struck you a crescendo Annie
he came into your apartment
he left the bloodstains on the carpet
then you ran into the bedroom
you were struck down it was your doomAnnie are you okay
so Annie are you okay
are you okay Annie
you've been hit by
you've been struck by
a smooth criminalI don't know I don't know
I don't know I don't know
I don't know I don't know
I don't believeAnnie are you okay
will you tell us that you're okay
there's a sign on the window
that he struck you a crescendo Annie
he came into your apartment
he left the bloodstains on the carpet
then you ran into the bedroom
you were struck down it was your doom AnnieSmooth criminal - Michael Jackson
-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSFPQDEkc-k -
Hier mal was farbiges. Ist allerdings nur Bleistift und Holzfarben.
Hey, Danke für die Verbesserungsvorschläge. Mir ist das mit den Proportionen auch aufgefallen, nur das Blatt hat iwan aufgehört -.-'
naja, aber es ist nicht nur Bleistift, die ganz schwarzen Stellen sind mit Copic Ciao multi liners gezeichnet, falls es wen interessiert. -
Es tut mir Leid, dass ich so lange nid da war, aber ich hatte echt volles Programm die letzten paar Tage. War nur am Zeugs erledigen...
Schule, Fahrschule, Termine, Familie... alles war sooo viel auf einma. Vor paar Tagen hab ich mich noch über Langeweile beschwert, jetzt wünsche ich sie mir zurück.
*schwör* : Nie mehr über Langeweile (zu sehr) beschweren. -
Ok, Gute Nacht
The child without a name grew up to be the hand
To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand
The choice he’d made he could not comprehend
His blood a grim secret they had to commandHe’s torn between his honor and the true love of his life
He prayed for both but was deniedSo many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind?
So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?
Will all our sins be justified?The curse of his powers tormented his life
Obeying the crown was a sinister price
His soul was tortured by love and by pain
He surely would flee but the oath made him stayHe’s torn between his honor and the true love of his life
He prayed for both but was deniedSo many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind?
So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?
Will all our sins be justified?Please forgive me for the sorrow, for leaving you in fear
For the dreams we had to silence, that’s all they’ll ever be
Still I’ll be the hand that serves you
Though you’ll not see that it is meSo many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind?
So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?
Will all our sins be justified?Within Temptation - Hand of sorrow
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