Beiträge von Lemonsoda

    Thank you all for the warm welcome :3

    I think, you'll have a hard time in the community when you can't speak/write german. As it's writting in our terms of use only quotes or short texts should be written in English. I want you to respect that.

    Willkommen und viel Spaß!


    I will try my best to integrate, no worries! c:

    Auch von hier aus ein herzliches Willkommen und viel Spaß hier im Forum ^^

    Wow! There are actually people from the U.S. moving here :onion-whaaat:

    Well...yeah :xx I like Germany! c:

    (/_\) well I can be a bit shy from time to time :xx
    Ermmm well what is there to tell about me....I like listening to jazz! I can understand German pretty good, but I can't really speak it heheh (/_\) oh yeah and I like cute animes! You knooow like K-On! or Lucky Star! :3
    I am originally from the U.S. but I live in Germany now :x I should learn more German.....

    Hi! I like Lemons and I like guess....that's my name....or something? (・_・ヾ