Hello. I'm Zenkinacu, and for starters, please don't ask where I got my name. Now, I can not speak Germen, so don't go germen on me. I'm a English-only person, sadly.
I heard of this forum, rather site, from the chat. Now, the chat I used was Yelli's, a friend of mine. So, I though i'd register and (hopefully) have a good time. Sadly, this is a Germen-only forum. And, as I saw when registering, that you only have Germen as a language selection. I'M NOT GERMEN! I'm a kid (almost teen to say the least), living in the US, Texas.So, obviously, I don't know Germen. Hopefully I can get along and have a fun time ^^.
(Try and go easy if you don't allow Englisg-people here, which I hope you do allow them!).