ZitatAlles anzeigenBACKGROUND
The story of Iron Sky a begun long time a go in a sauna far far away, when a friend of mine told that he's got an idea for a new film – Moon Nazis. We were laughing at it, but decided – let's make this happen!
We had no idea what it meant to do an international, English-language, multi-million film back then, but we went for it. Another six years later, Iron Sky was released, distributed worldwide, got a million people to cinema and even more to buy the film on BluRay and even more to grab it from Pirate Bay. A crazy success for an indie dream.
The story of Iron Sky continues, and this time, we want to be dependant on nobody but our fans, friends and followers out there. With Iron Sky, we spent all of our energy in trying to finance the film, forced to be doing bad deals and compromising a lot. We had to tweak the story to meet the needs of the financiers but still fight to keep the integrity of the story intact – had we not fought, we'd probably had Mickey Mouse in Moon Base with Santa Claus – this actually was one real suggestion to make the story “funnier”. We don't want to end up in these discussions again and we don't want to spend five years trying to come up with the money.
With Iron Sky 2, we want to go darker, we want to go crazier, we want to be more experimental. We believe it's going to be the most awesome science fiction film of the decade.
And then there's the distribution angle. With Iron Sky, we had some bad experiences, and we were constantly frustrated by the fact that we had no power over defining when the film comes out and where. This time, we want to keep all the control over the distribution to ourselves.
Here's all you need to know about Iron Sky sequel at this point. The name of the film is IRON SKY THE COMING RACE. The original writing team is back together, laying down the story elements. Some of the actors will be coming back, some amazing new actors will be joining us, Laibach has promised to score the film and our VFX team is sharpening its' teeth to blow your minds once again with visual effects that'll make you drool.
Iron Sky's budget was 10 million, and this time we might need to go bigger – the epic scale of the story demands it. We think 15 million is going to be quite close to what the budget ends up being.
Our intention is to finance the whole film ourselves, using crowdfunding and soft money and any money that allows us to be completely independent, allows us to make and distribute the film exactly the way we believe it needs to be made.
In the first phase, we are looking to raise 150 000 from the community. This money will be used to produce a full script for the film, a clear production plan including a budget, and a four to five minute promo reel to help us with further funding. In exchange, we'll let those who contribute to read the script, comment it, or even get a (small) speaking role in the upcoming promo.
This is it, troopers! We are on the verge of yet another adventure, and your help is crucial. We need you to be able to make an uncompromising, awesome scifi classic. We've proven we can do it, now let's do it again, bigger and better this time!
We will start working on the script immediately, and our intention would be to get the finished, final draft of the script by the end of 2014. The first draft we want to have ready by the end of the year 2013. We will shoot the promo for Cannes 2014, meaning the promo would be ready by May 2014.
Our intention is to shoot the film in 2015.