Need Cash

  • Ich vertick Pokis für'n bisschen Cash und ne gude Sash.

    4x Legacy Quest 1000

    #154 Meganie

    #150 Mewtu

    #244 Entei

    #151 Mew

    #254 Gewaldro

    #151 Mew

    #257 Lohgock

    #251 Celebi

    Anime, Eighty Six, Shinei Nouzen, Vladilena Mirizé, Fond d'écran ...

    "I wanted to live in a way that would make her smile.

    And If possible I wanted to smile with her."

  • Meine Gratulation, die Belohnungen sind unterwegs!

    • Legacy Quest Abrechnung
    Quests Münzen deck_gen3_backside_booster_quest75.png deck_backside_treasure_pack75.png deck_backside_power_pack75.png
    4 4000 x40 x4 x4

    Hey now, hey now, hear what I say now ~ Happiness is just around the corner ~ Hey now, hey now, hear what I say now ~ We'll be there for you
