Wie stirbst du in "The Game of Thrones"?

  • Eine absolut gerechtfertigte Frage! :D

    Hier gehts zum Test!

    You got: You’d be killed by a White Walker!
    You seem like a craven on the outside, but you possess more courage than most people think. Because of this, you often find yourself cornered into bad situations with little self-confidence to get yourself out. This kind of carelessness will land you in the sights of a soul-seeking White Walker.

  • How Would You Die In “Game Of Thrones?”

    • You got: You’d be decapitated!
      You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.

    "Wer lächelt statt zu toben, ist immer der Stärkere!"

  • Du bekamst: Du wirst Enthauptet!

    Du bist ein gut gemeinter und loyaler Mensch. Alles, was du wirklich willst, ist Gerechtigkeit in der Welt zu sehen. Aber du findest, dass andere das nicht ganz verstehen. Du Arbeitest sehr hart aber leider sind deine Bemühungen nie mit großer Aufmerksamkeit verbunden, als sie verdienen würden. Leider bedeutet das, du wirst von der Justiz hinterhältig getötet.

    oder so irgendwie... pfff

  • You got: You’d be mauled by a direwolf!
    You’re easily agitated and consider yourself a loner. Most people would describe you as grumpy, and you’d describe most people as stupid. While you might be right, you often miss out on life due to your attitude. Such a disposition makes you great fodder for an angry direwolf.

    Gefällt mir! :)

  • You got: You’d die by dragon fire!
    Via HBO
    You’re a true Machiavellian — cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry. Friends would say you’re the most outgoing of the group, and you consider yourself the leader. Unluckily for you, most people despise your manipulative nature. And doubly unluckily for you, a dragon will burn you to a crisp.

    LG.: Tarmin

  • You got: You’d die by dragon fire!
    Via HBO
    You’re a true Machiavellian — cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry. Friends would say you’re the most outgoing of the group, and you consider yourself the leader. Unluckily for you, most people despise your manipulative nature. And doubly unluckily for you, a dragon will burn you to a crisp.

    LG.: Tarmin

    same here :P

  • Ich hab das selbe wie du raus... und erhlich gesagt, passt das schon sehr genau auf mich.

  • You got: You’d be killed by a White Walker!
    Via HBO

    You seem like a craven on the outside, but you possess more courage than most people think. Because of this, you often find yourself cornered into bad situations with little self-confidence to get yourself out. This kind of carelessness will land you in the sights of a soul-seeking White Walker.

  • You got: You’d die by dragon fire!

    You’re a true Machiavellian — cunning, manipulative, and
    power-hungry. Friends would say you’re the most outgoing of the group,
    and you consider yourself the leader. Unluckily for you, most people
    despise your manipulative nature. And doubly unluckily for you, a dragon
    will burn you to a crisp.

  • You got: You’d be decapitated!
    Via HBO
    You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.

    oh maaan -.-

    IHR mit eurem Agressiven Metal ihr müsst immer schreien -.-
    Bei Hip-Hop ist es anders es kann laut, ruhig, langsam, schnell, tief und es kann runterziehen, Gute Laune machen, manchmal chillts einfach auch nur. Da is für fast jeden was dabei :b

    (Ist nicht böse gemeint :D)